Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Katy Perry: Not just a Teenage Dream

American culture to me is one that is full of happiness, joy and love. Movies and songs constantly mentioning the meaning of love and always having those happy ever after endings.
Most people strive for their own version of happy ever after. Whether it be that perfect dream job, house, car or that perfect dream guy or girl someone wants to spend the rest of their life with. For years, the eminent dream house was one of a white picket fence like the one so prominent on this album cover.
Katy Perry is a huge part of pop culture today. I, myself, love all of her songs. She even broke Michael Jackson's (the King of Pop) record for most songs to hit number one on the Billboard Top 100 list. She is amazing, but enough about my crush on KP.
What I am getting at here is that she almost perfectly depicts the American dream of the current American culture. She has a funny husband, nice house, nice things, but overall a seemingly happy life. It is this album cover with a sunny, blue sky, white picket fence, smart and sassy attitude that many people look up to.  

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